

2019 AERA Research on Giftedness, Creativity, & Talent (ROGCT) Gifted Connection Mentorship Opportunity

Dear Motivation SIG members, Are you a graduate student (doctoral or master’s) interested in studying giftedness, creativity, or talent? Do you want to learn more about how to be involved in the field? OR…Are you a faculty member, researcher, or other academic who researches or has a background in giftedness, creativity, or talent? Are you at least 3…

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Post-Doctoral Research Associate Position in Educational Psychology at Michigan State University

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY College of Education – Research Associate in Educational Psychology Posting Posting Snapshot: Post-Doctoral Research Associate position in Educational Psychology to work on an NIH-funded study examining supports for undergraduates’ science motivation and persistence in science careers. Position Summary: Dr. Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia ( in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education…

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Post-Doctoral Research Associate Positions on Student Motivation and Engagement

We are pleased to announce 3 post-doctoral positions that may be of interest to motivation scholars.  Two of these positions are part of a collaborative NSF project among Michigan State University (Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia & Jennifer Schmidt), the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Gwen Marchand), and WestEd (Christopher Harris). We are seeking two post-doctoral research associates to work with us on the development and implementation of a…

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Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, Accepting Applications for English-Language Master’s Program, M.Sc. Psychology: Learning Sciences

Master’s program “M.Sc. Psychology: Learning Sciences” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany: Online Applications can be submitted now until 1st March through: This program is research-oriented and interdisciplinary and promotes a selected group of students to engage in state-of-the-art research in Educational Psychology and the Learning Sciences. The program is entirely taught in English.…

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Self-Determination Theory 7th International Conference

Having problems viewing this email? View it at: Experts, researchers,students, and practitioners come together in the Netherlands May 21-24, 2019to share the latest research and ideas in Self-Determination Theory — featuring a wide range of exciting  talks, discussions, poster presentations,workshops, and networking opportunities. Share what you know with others across the world with a common purpose of better understanding…

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Congratulations to the Motivation in Education SIG Female Scholars!

Congratulations to the eight female scholars and members of the Motivation in Education SIG (Anne Frenzel, Erika Patall, Mimi Bong, Krista Muis, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Lia Daniels, Gale Sinatra, and Helen Patrick) who were identified among the top 23 female producers in prominent educational psychology journals between 2009 and 2016 in an article titled “Female Participation…

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Request for Studies for Meta-Analysis on Motivation and Academic Dishonesty

Hello Colleagues, I am currently conducting a meta-analysis on the relationship between motivation and academic dishonesty as part of my dissertation with the assistance of my co-chair, Dr. Carlton Fong. We are interested in any and all studies that investigate this relationship, primarily in correlational studies. For example, we are interested in studies that assess…

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Urgent Call for Book Chapters: Confronting Antisemitism on Campus

??? URGENT CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS Vol. 15, Confronting Antisemitism on Campus Book Series: Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, & Praxis Peter Lang Publishing, General Editor, Dr. Virginia Stead Dedication: This book is dedicated to those who lost loved ones on October 27, 2018 in the Tree of Life Synagogue massacre, Pittsburgh, PA. Purpose:…

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