

Curriculum & Instruction Series Open-Use Guides

Building a healthy academic system for our students begins with an exceptional effort from educational professionals. Their dedication to studying communication techniques, technology, and curriculum design yields a great result in the success of students inside and beyond the classroom. The significant value of these individuals is reflected in the Bureau of Labor Statistics‘ projection that instructional…

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Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) International Conference Call for Papers

Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) 6th INTERNATIONAL Conference September 30 – October 2 2020 (Pre-conference September 29) Chicago, Illinois   Call for Papers Deadline – February 7, 2020 Theme: Interrogating Cultural Responsiveness Against the Backdrop of Racism and Colonialism  HOSTED BY THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN  Purpose  People of Color are increasingly experiencing the world as an unsafe and inhospitable place.…

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New Inclusion Research Opportunity at AERA 2020

You are invited to participate in a collaboration session at the April 2020 American Educational Research Association conference in San Francisco. The event is hosted by the Inclusive Environments and Metrics in Biology Education and Research collaboration network ( The workshop provides an opportunity for AERA attendees to form new, interdisciplinary teams interested in conducting…

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ECR Virtual Writing Group Schedule

The Early Career Researcher Committee will continue our virtual Writing Group for ECRs in Spring 2020, focused on helping each other make progress in our own research programs. This can include writing or tasks related to writing (e.g., reading reviewer feedback or corresponding with collaborators).  We will hold meetings this coming spring term every other Friday from 12:30-2:30pm EST beginning January 10th.…

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Open-Rank Faculty Search in the Department of Education of Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

The Department of Education in the College of Education at Korea University invites applications for one tenure-track position (open rank). We seek a colleague with non-Korean citizenship, as this appointment is part of the University’s effort to improve campus diversity. We invite applications from individuals with a Ph.D. in all fields of education, including but…

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Assistant/Associate Professor in Education at Washington University in St. Louis

WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS, Department of Education – Assistant Professor or Associate Professor. The Department of Education at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured faculty appointment in Education at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenured) to begin in the fall semester of 2020. A Ph.D. in…

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Advanced Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor (Tenure-Eligible) of Learning Sciences at the University of Arizona

The Department of Educational Psychology (EDP) located in the College of Education (COE) at the University of Arizona invites applications in the area of Learning Sciences. This is for an Advanced Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor position that is designed to accommodate a broad range of specializations within the department’s core focus on learning, motivation,…

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow at McGill University

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in emotion regulation and media/health literacy Job Description The Department of Surgery at McGill University anticipates hiring a postdoctoral research fellow starting as soon as possible for one year and renewable for a second year (pending availability of funds). The position includes a full-time salary and benefits. Review of applications will start…

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Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology at UTSA

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO The Department of Educational Psychology in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) invites applications for one tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level beginning Fall 2020. The successful candidate will contribute to our graduate…

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Open-Rank Faculty Search in UM Combined Program in Ed & Psych

The School of Education at the University of Michigan seeks a colleague for a tenure-track appointment (open rank) in the Combined Program in Education and Psychology (CPEP). We seek applications from a diverse pool of scholars with a strong focus on teacher practices and programs that facilitate the growth of social-emotional competencies, especially as these…

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