

Post-doctoral Fellowship in Education with Dr. Hunter Gehlbach

Open date: February 13, 2017 Last review date: Review of applications will begin immediately.  Applications received by February 28, 2017 will receive full consideration.  Applications will continue to be reviewed until the position has been filled. Final date: June 30th, 2017 Description Post-doctoral Research Position: Education An opening is available for a post-doctoral scholar in…

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Research Synthesis on the Effects of Negative Feedback on Intrinsic Motivation

Carlton Fong is currently updating a research synthesis on the effects of negative feedback on intrinsic motivation with Dr. Erika Patall. This team is interested in any and all experimental studies that report a relationship between negative feedback and any intrinsic motivation measure (interest, enjoyment, time spent on task, etc.) or examine differences in receiving negative…

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PhD Program in Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation at Old Dominion University

The PhD Program in Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation at Old Dominion University is now accepting applications. Students in the program develop the theoretical and technical skills required for research and evaluation oriented careers through coursework and by working collaboratively with faculty on research in both formal and informal learning environments.  Applications are considered for…

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AERA 2017 Symposium on Motivation Theory

Allan Wigfield University of Maryland-College Park Discussant Alison C. Koenka Ohio State University Chair Researchers have learned much about motivation and its relations to important achievement and broader life outcomes. Over the last 50 years there have been several major theoretical models of motivation guiding much of this research; these models continue to be the…

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AERA Division C Invited Senior Panel

Just announced: The AERA Division C – Invited Senior Panel for the San Antonio meeting in 2017. The session is entitled: “Tensions in Division C: Shifting between building individual agency and promoting systemic change.” Abstract As learning and instruction researchers we esteem the study of individual attributes that promote academic and social health for children…

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