

Cast your vote for 2018-2020 SIG leaders

AERA voting will remain open through March 19, 2018. All members should have received an email invitation to cast your vote. I would like to thank those who are running for 2018-2020 SIG office: a.       Chair candidates: Marcus Johnson, Erika Patall, Akane Zusho b.       Program Chair candidates: Nir Madjar, Katerina Schenke, Jennifer Schmidt c.       Treasurer candidates: Carlton Fong, Suzanne…

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Remembering Marty Covington

Dr. Martin V. Covington, a longstanding SIG member and major contributor to the field of achievement motivation passed away last month. Dr. Covington was Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School in psychology at UC Berkeley. His pioneering work on self-worth theory and intrinsic motivation helped shape our field. Dr. Covington’s most recent book, Life Beyond Grades:…

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Grad Student AERA News

 From Carly Champagne and Peter McPartlan (Grad Committee Co-Chairs) “Conversation with a Motivation Researcher” Event – Dear SIG Graduate Students – We are grateful to have the following senior researchers hosting small-group “conversations” with graduate students over breakfast or lunch in NYC: Jennifer Fredericks, Erika Patall, David Yeager, Chris Hulleman, Johnmarshall Reeve, Ann Renninger, and Kenn…

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AERA 2018 Program

Our program chair, Hadley Solomon, has once again put together a quick guide to Motivation SIG programming here: Links in this document will take you to presenter information. Please note the special invited session in which early career scholars will raise critical questions for our field on Saturday at 2:15! Most SIG events will be held at the Millennium Broadway…

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SIG Business Meeting and Student Awards

Our annual business meeting, which precedes the social event, will be held from 6:15-7:45 p.m. (Saturday, April 14) at the Marriott Marquis hotel (a 285-foot walk to Bowlmor Times Square). Despite its boring name, our business meeting is actually a place to acknowledge our student members, our SIG activities, our newly-elected SIG leaders, and the activities of our…

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Conversation with a Motivation Researcher Event

Hello grad students, it’s time to sign up for the Conversation with a Motivation Researcher Event! This year, we have the following researchers hosting conversations over breakfast or lunch in NYC: Jennifer Fredericks, Erika Patall, David Yeager, Chris Hulleman, Johnmarshall Reeve, Ann Renninger, and Kenn Barron. Please use the survey below to view the specific dates and…

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Request for Studies for Meta-Analysis on LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory)

Hello Colleagues, My team is currently conducting a meta-analysis on the relationship between LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory) and student achievement outcomes. We are interested in any and all studies that investigate this relationship, primarily in correlational studies. For example, we are interested in studies that naturalistically assess the relationship between students’ LASSI scores…

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Message from Grad Student Co-Chairs, Carly Champagne and Peter McPartlan

Hello SIG Graduate Students! As you know, each year at AERA a select group of senior scholars host a “conversation” hour (previously a lunch) with select graduate students. We are now seeking your recommendations for researchers you’re interested in talking with at this year’s meeting. We are also interested in topics you’d like to discuss…

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