

MotSIG “Conversation with a Motivation Researcher” NYC Event

We’re pleased to announce that all graduate students who expressed interest in attending a “Conversation with a Motivation Researcher” event in New York City will be able to participate. Groups will range from 4-6 students per researcher, and information regarding your researcher, group members, and location will be sent to you individually via email this week. Please…

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Overview of the AERA MotSIG Program

Hadley Solomon has put together a quick guide to all of the SIG-sponsored AERA sessions: We hope you will add these special SIG events to your Saturday calendar. a.       Saturday, 2:15-3:45 p.m.: Invited Session – “Challenging Motivation Theories: Invited Perspectives of Early Career Researchers” – Four highly productive early career scholars will share what they find most exciting and challenging…

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Job post: College Board Research Scientist

The College Board is accepting applications for an open rank Research Scientist position. We are looking for candidates with expertise in assessment and interventions related to motivation and other noncognitive constructs. Feel free to email Rory Lazowski at [email protected] with any questions. For more information:

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