Carlton Fong is currently updating a research synthesis on the effects of negative feedback on intrinsic motivation with Dr. Erika Patall. This team is interested in any and all experimental studies that report a relationship between negative feedback and any intrinsic motivation measure (interest, enjoyment, time spent on task, etc.) or examine differences in receiving negative feedback and positive feedback (praise) or no valence feedback (neutral) on intrinsic motivation. Note that they would be interested in studies that incorporated negative feedback even if it was not the central focus of the study (e.g., it was examined primarily as a moderator) as long as an effect size can be derived.
While Carlton is finding it quite easy to locate published studies, unpublished reports are much more difficult to find. If you have or know of any such studies and are willing to share them, Carlton would very much appreciate hearing from you. These types of documents include conference presentations, unpublished dissertations, or in press manuscripts. In particular, they are interested in studies that occurred after 2013, but all contributions are welcome.
For electronic copies, please send them to [email protected]. If you do not have an electronic copy of these materials and would like to be reimbursed for postage, please include a bill for postage and copying costs with your correspondence.
Paper materials may be sent to:
Carlton J. Fong
Department of Educational Administration
The University of Texas at Austin
1912 Speedway STOP D5400
Austin, TX 78712-1604
Note from Carlton: Although we can offer little more than our gratitude for your assistance, we will formally cite all viable data we receive in a comprehensive meta-analysis that is being updated for publication. Any information that you may be able to provide will be quite helpful for this study. I will send you a copy of our final report if you respond.