

Bylaws of the AERA Special Interest Group (SIG) Motivation In Education (MOTSIG)

Article I: Name

The name of the organization is Motivation in Education (MotSIG).

Article II: Affiliation

The organization, Motivation in Education (MotSIG), is a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and, as such, pays annual dues to AERA and participates in the AERA annual meeting.

Article III: Governing Authority

The Special Interest Group (SIG), Motivation in Education (MotSIG), shall be governed by the bylaws and articles of incorporation of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). MotSIG bylaws shall not conflict with the bylaws and articles of incorporation of AERA.

Article IV: Purpose

The purpose of the Motivation in Education SIG is to advance the understanding of motivational processes in education, particularly by promoting research, exchanging ideas and perspectives, and by developing practices and interventions to improve learner motivation.

Article V: Membership

Section 1 – Eligibility. Membership in the Motivation in Education SIG shall be open to any dues-paid AERA member who supports the purpose of the organization and who pays the specified SIG dues.

Section 2 – Duration. AERA members may join MotSIG by paying MotSIG dues through the AERA Central Office using the appropriate AERA form. AERA members may join MotSIG at any time but MotSIG membership expires coterminously with a given AERA membership. MotSIG membership membership may be for either 1 or 2 years but members joining for 2 years must coterminously be members of AERA for 2 years.

Section 3 – Voting Rights. All MotSIG members in good standing, including student members, full paid in SIG dues, shall be entitled to vote for MotSIG officers.

Section 4 – Dues. The amount of MotSIG dues may be modified by a majority of the MotSIG members voting electronically or at the annual MotSIG business meeting held during the AERA annual meeting.

Article VI: Officers

Section 1 – General. Officers of MotSIG shall be elected by a majority of SIG members voting every alternate year, prior to the annual meeting, by postal or electronic balloting. The elected officers shall comprise the Executive Committee of MotSIG and shall conduct all business of the SIG in the interim between the annual business meetings.

Section 2 – Eligibility. All members in good standing of both AERA and MotSIG shall be eligible for election as officers.

Section 3 – Terms. The term of each office shall be 2 years, expiring at the annual AERA meeting of the second year. No person may serve in any single office for more than one consecutive term.

Section 4 – Offices. The following offices shall compose the executive committee of MotSIG: (1) Chair; (2) Program Chair; (3) Treasurer. Persons to assist these officers or to carry out other work of the SIG, including a Webmaster, may be appointed by the current Chair.

Section 5 – Election Procedures. Each election year, prior to the annual AERA meeting, the Chair shall solicit nominations for all offices. The Chair shall specify a ballot due date as part of the dissemination of ballots and shall receive ballots by postal and/or electronic mail. The Chair shall announce the outcomes of the elections to the executive committee and all candidates at least 1 week prior to the beginning of the AERA annual meeting. Election shall require a majority of votes cast. A tie vote shall be broken by a coin flip conducted at the AERA annual meeting by a designee of the outgoing executive committee.

Article VII: Duties of Officers

Section 1 – Chair. The Chair shall be responsible for the general administration of MotSIG and act as liaison between the SIG and AERA. The Chair shall preside at the annual business meeting and shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed. The Chair shall share with the Treasurer oversight of the SIG financial records and authority to make payments from SIG accounts. The Chair shall be responsible for conducting elections and announcing election results.

Section 2 – Program Chair. The Program Chair shall be responsible for administering the peer review of submissions and planning the program sessions allotted to the SIG.

Section 3 – Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safe keeping of all financial documents and presenting an annual financial report to the membership, during the business meeting. The Treasurer shall share with the Chair oversight of the SIG financial records and authority to make payments from SIG accounts.

Article VIII: Meetings

There shall be a MotSIG business meeting held each year in conjunction with the AERA annual meeting. Arrangements for the time and place of this meeting are the responsibility of the Program Chair.

Article IX: Ratification and Amendments

Section 1 – Ratification. These bylaws shall take effect upon a two-thirds vote of those members voting at a duly called business meeting or a two-thirds vote of the membership by postal or electronic voting.

Section 2 – Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds of those members voting at either the annual business meeting or electronically. All proposed amendments must be submitted for review by the executive committee at least 2 weeks prior to the annual business meeting.

In the event that the purpose of MotSIG is fulfilled by another organization or it is unable to maintain membership in AERA, the organization may be discontinued by a vote requiring approval of at least two-thirds of the members of the SIG. Should MotSIG discontinue, its assets shall be used to pay all outstanding debts and obligations. Any remaining funds shall be donated to the American Educational Research Association.